We Value Eco-Friendly.

Unlike Amazon, we specifically focus on sustainable brands. You get to meet streamers who test the products, share REAL reviews & bring you exclusive offers during live sessions.

Text Reviews are Boring
Our live session is like talking to a friend who can't wait sharing something awesome with you. Everything real-time. No editing, no faking.

Many questions for new brands?
Simply typing in your questions to our interactive chatbox & get them answered immediately. You deserve knowing exactly what you should expect!

Not sure what to pick with all the options out there?
Selecting the real one among all those “green-washed” brands is ugh. No need to worry now! Omi runs the background check for you & feel free to test us with questions in live sessions!
Plant Trees with Omi

1. Place an order
On our platform with any eco-friendly brands or products you like.

2. We donate
Sit back and let us do the rest! We take part of the money to donate.

3. Add more green
Partnering with One Tree Planted, together we plant one tree with every dollar donated.

Grow with Omi
10% Sales Commissions + Flat Fee with free workshops for practice. You deserve it!

Efficient storytelling with 20% proven Sales Conversion & only pay what we sold!

Frequently Asked Questions